Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 151 Now with scales!

Yes I finally am posting pictures and now with a scale update. I have still been doing the usual, eating healthy, absolutely no pop, drinking a LOT of water (more than usual this week actually), and trying to exercise whenever I can (they closed the pool this week though to drain it due to algae, so Fatty and I didn't get to go on Thursday, we did throw the baseball around for a little while though).

So here are the pictures:

Day 1/151:

 Day 15/151 side:

My Dad (Thanks again) bought me a scale last Sunday, I tried it out in the store and it read 427.4! a loss of 72.6lbs (also tried again later at home and it read the same thing)!!! But that's not the best part about it, I weighed myself countless times in the last 15 minutes because I did not believe the scale but this is what it read numerous times (or within .1 lb difference):

So if it's true that the "scales don't lie" I am now down to 419.6!!! I have lost a total of 81.4lbs in 151 days!!! The numbers on the bottom are what my daily calorie intake should be, umm but screw that I eat less, I'm not going to lose weight eating almost 5k calories a day.

Thanks again for the support and the amount of people behind me, Oh I also got a new shirt 4XLT! and a new pair of shorts size 50 waist!!!

This blog is in not an ad campaign for the exclamation mark! :P

1 comment:

Michael said...

Way to go Tom!!! Keep it up!!!