First and foremost I completely cut out pop from my life, no diet, no caffeine free, just NO pop. It is insane the amount of calories, sugar, and sodium alone that is in 1 can of pop. I was drinking at least 2 liters of Mt. Dew a day at work, then usually going home and having a few cans throughout the night. I now drink water, at least 3 liters a day and usually more then that. My older brother bought me an Ice Mountain (I am picky and only like Spring Water, and Ice Mountain is my water of choice) 3 liter jug. I fill that up everyday and make it my goal to have to fill it back up and put it back in my fridge every night. Here's a pic so you can get an idea of how much water that is (there is also a paint drawing of my fridge, will take a real picture when I get home :)...

I have also cut out bad fast food, I don't go to McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc. when I go grab something for lunch I head to Fazoli's and grab a salad and 2 breadsticks, or Subway for a footlong. You have to be smart where ever you go though, there are some very unhealthy choices even at Subway. I go for the oven roasted chicken breast on Honey Oat, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and ranch dressing. I also try to stay away from snacking late and if I do I grab fruit or a yogurt 99% of the time. Now don't get me wrong I crave things like anyone else, pizza, wings, Asian, and I allow myself to have those things. I just make sure that I don't allow myself to have those things more than once a week, if I "cheat" on a Monday then the rest of the week I make sure I eat right. Most places have a grilled, broiled, non fat coated and fried option even if it is not listed on their menu, just ask, if not then have a salad. I also try to stay away from chips, fries, hashbrowns go for fruit cups, applesauce, cottage cheese, side salad most restaurants have a number of options and if you can't substitute then just don't eat it!
I also exercise, I bought a $20 dumbbell set from Wal Mart it's easier to wake up and grab your weights and do even a 5 - 10 minute set before you jump in the shower, then waking up an hour early and heading to the gym. Just find something that will work for you, kick boxing on dvd, palates before bed, yoga in the morning whatever you feel comfortable doing. I also try to park further away at stores, restaurants, gatherings, that little extra walk from your car to where ever you're going will make all the difference if you do it enough, you also don't ever have to fight for parking spots :)
My best advice to give anyone trying to lose 300 pounds or 10 pounds is make it easy on yourself, if losing weight is a chore you're not going to do it. Fill your fridge with water not pop and high sugar juices, get rid of your chips, cookies, fatty foods, and fill your cabinets with fruits, vegetables, yogurt, apple sauce, rice cakes (there are some really good ones out there), pringles are even a better option then chips if you can't totally give up on the salty snack. Do some quick research at your grocery store, grab a bag of your favorite chips and look at the label, fat, sodium, carbs, sugars, then grab a bag of say chex mix that you might like, is it better? Then that's a start! I went cold turkey and just stopped eating and drinking this stuff and maybe you have the same willpower but if you don't then that is ok, do it in gradual steps, cutting back will net you weight loss as well, just don't cut out pop and then still eat a bag of chips you're not helping yourself at all.
Some other great advice I can give that really has nothing to do with exercise or food, is to share what you are doing. You will be surprised at how many people really care about you and will try to help uplift you. It doesn't have to be a blog with half naked pictures of yourself on the internet either :) Tell your close family, your co-workers, your gaming friends, even waiters/waitresses that ask how your day was... "Great! I've lost 10 pounds this month!!!" It makes you feel great about what you are doing and a lot of times people will ask you for help. It also keeps you accountable, it's always good to have someone there that will give you that little push if you start to slip or just need someone to talk to.
Well that's my strategy/advice for what I have done in a nut shell, I am always here if anyone wants to talk, I can always use more accountability friends and seeing someone else go through the weight loss transformation with me would be cool :)
Love you, Tom. You're a major inspiration, and I'm so damn proud of you! /hugs
You really are an inspiration to others Tom, I like so many others are very proud of you for this endeavor you've pursued. Of course I may be biased since you're my brother. =) But that aside, it takes a lot for someone to quit their 'bad habits', I am a prime example of that, and keep thinking, "Hey, if Tom can change, so can I". Even if I'm the oldest one, I still look up to you when it comes to a life changing decision. The one thing most people get, is it's easier to just stay the same then to adjust to a change, even if it's for the better.
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