Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Back to Life

I am back from vacation as of Monday night, it was nice getting away for a week but like all vacations it went by way too quick. We stayed at my Aunt Loreen's house like usual, played basketball, football, bingo, dice game, cards, mud boggin, went to the beach, made bonfires, ate at Katy's Ice Cream Shop, and relaxed a lot :)

I drove a Ford Bronco in my Aunt's field that was just drenched in a nice rain storm, I was getting almost sideways from drifting through the mud, and I got us pretty deep in a big mud hole that 4Lo got us out of. My Cousin also brought out his ATV but I was exceeding the weight limit, hopefully next year I'll be able to ride if he still has it. 

My Cousins/2nd Cousins and I are all really close so we pretty much hang out all week and mess around and do whatever. We went to a gas station at 1 in the morning and got some pizza and basco sticks, and the next night we went to Mobile and saw some drag racing until about 3 in the morning. We went to the beach on Sunday, it was 93 degrees, and played catch and messed around and had a good time cooling off and getting burnt. We also played bingo and the dice game, roll two dice get doubles win a prize unless it's double 3's and all your stuff goes back, and won stuff that my Mom and Aunt's brought.

Katy's Ice Cream Shop made a nice profit off of us and it has become tradition to go there at least once whenever I am in town, we went 3 days in a row :) (For my weight loss fans I had a berry fruit tumbler fresh fruit and vanilla ice cream every time I went). My Aunt is also a really good cook and we got some good home made breakfasts and dinners while there. On Sunday after burying my Grandpa, nice ceremony my Great Uncle did it and did a really nice job, my Aunt made a big Turkey dinner with all the fixings. Speaking of my Great Uncle, Eldy, he took us to a few scrapyards and then to lunch at McDonald's and later in the week bought us all pizza and cheesy sticks.

I had a great time and can't wait to go back again, hopefully it won't be a whole year and I'll get up there to see my family sooner.

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