I am still playing WoW (World of Warcraft) I quit for a month a little while back, after the guild I helped form disbanded. I applied for a few other guilds and got into the 16th ranked guild on our server. They are an end game raiding guild and are raiding BT, and Mt. Hyjal. They have killed 2 new bosses since I joined (both kills on nights I was not able to raid).
Last night however we killed Illidari Council they are the boss right before Illidan himself! After the kill we started the event that takes you to Illidan and starts the fight with him. This will probably be the nerdiest (it's a word) thing I have said but it was amazing being able to see him finally. We were just messing around and knew we were going to die but surprisingly with no coordination at all we got him to 80%.
Here are the pics of the guilds kill and my first look at Illidan:

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