Saturday, August 16, 2008

MySpace actually good for something?

I have a MySpace and a Facebook, but never really liked either. I kept them updated and checked on both pretty often to see if I had any new messages or friend requests, and they are good to keep in touch with old friends. The thing I don't like about them is all the spam you get on them and some of the annoying adds.

Which brings me to the reason it is actually good for something. I'm a big guy and have been single almost all my life. Earlier this week I got a message from a girl, I would usually blow this off but thought why not say hi back. Well I'm glad I did, we've been talking non stop for the last couple days and she is amazing! I can't wait to meet her and get to see her in person (yes I am smitten and am like a lil kid on christmas :P )!!!

1 comment:

BUBA said...

Well I met her and had a good time. It turned out that she doesn't want to be in a relationship right now, and wants to be just friends.

There are plenty of fish in the sea so I'll keep my search for that certain someone open :)