Saturday, December 04, 2010


I know I haven't updated everyone in a very long time (96 days to be exact) but I felt that updating every week or every month was somewhat pointless. I set a goal for myself to be under 400 pounds by Christmas of this year and decided not to post anything until I reached that goal. Well I weighed in about 20 minutes ago and this was the result...

I also wanted to update everyone with the front and side view pics I have been uploading so here they are as well...

I was sitting at 405 before Thanksgiving and tried hard to still enjoy pigging out but keep it under control :) I ended up gaining 3 pounds but have worked hard since then to get the weight off. I started going back to the gym, I have been slacking on that, and really watching what I eat again, hard to get back into that trend after Turkey Day :) Thanks again for all the support from family, friends, friends of family/friends!!! It really means a lot and seeing the response I get from everyone really makes staying on track an easy thing to do! I love you all... 350 Here I come!!!! :)