I haven't done one of these in a long time so I thought today would be as good as any :)
Modern Warfare 2:
I have reviewed this game 2 times already I think but after playing it for this long I just wanted to say I'm still interested/addicted. I play at least every night (multiplayer) I have prestiged 3 times now and am getting close to my 4th. For those that don't know in multiplayer you gain levels, which cap at 70, when you hit 70 you have an option to just chill at 70 and keep all of your weapons and attachments or Prestige. You can still gain rewards at 70 and still get points, and new callsigns and emblems. If you decide to prestige, up to 10th prestige, you lose all of your weapons, attachments, and killstreaks. You do get to keep any callsigns or emblems you have achieved however, once you prestige there is a whole new list of callsigns and emblems you can unlock, and you have to level to 70 again until your next prestige (if you decide to). So pretty much if you don't play enough and don't want to start over DO NOT prestige.
Red Dead Redemption:
This game is awesome! I have played both single player and multiplayer and there are both very addictive. I have not beat the game yet but am currently in Mexico killing banditos. If you live in a cave and have not seen any reviews, trailers, etc. This is pretty much the western version of Grand Theft Auto. Your decisions determine if you are a hero and can do jobs for the many cities in the area or if you are a bandit and gain money and negative honor by plundering, stealing, and killing. I have gone the heroes path and am enjoying killing bandits along the way. There are also many side quests and in game challenges that can be done, from sharpshooting, to collecting goods (usually from killing animals and collecting pelts, meat, or feathers, or from herbalism), to rolling on the ground 100 times.
Multiplayer is a lot of fun too, you get in a lobby of up to 12 real people, who you can kill and get points for if they are not in your posy.
Speaking of posy's, you can have up to a posy of 12 people who you can do any of the online quests with, taking out bandit hideouts is all that I have done so far but the same goes for multiplayer there are tons of side quests and challenges to do.
My Rating: Single Player 10/10 Multiplayer: 10/10
Bioshock 2:
I beat this game in 1 night but it was 9 hours of continuous play pretty much so don't take that as it's short and sucks. Bioshock 2 was better than the first in my opinion, the levels were darker and more advanced, and playing as a Big Daddy is awesome. The add-ons to your suit and power-ups
you get are great and the vast amount of weapons and unlockables make this one better than the first. The story line, I won't ruin it for you, is also very good and keeps you guessing the entire time. There are also puzzles to solve to open the next door or get to defeat a boss, etc. So it's not just a shoot em up, or grind em up with your Big Daddy arm, and kill kill kill game it actually takes some thinking and the use of the right weapons. This is another game that makes you choose between helping the sisters or killing them and determines how your fate will be decided at the end of the game.
My Rating: 10/10
I have not played a ton of this game yet, but from what I have played I have to say I really liked it. It reminds me of Devil May Cry to an extent, you are a hero trying to save your daughter and protect the town you live in. This in an RPG/fighting game, you have quests to complete and a large world to explore. You can buy weapon upgrades and other random items, collect goods from killing animals and looting them or foraging the land. There are many monsters to kill and some pretty epic, difficult bosses to defeat. The one big thing in this game is collecting "words" these upgrade the magic powers you can control and are obtained from killing the demons throughout the world. Once again I will review this again when/if I beat it, and I will rate at a later date.
Final Fantasy XIII:
This game is great, the amount of monsters to kill and the combat system are better than I thought it would be. You have to decide what you want to upgrade, Magic Damage, Melee Damage, Healing, Tanking, or Buffing/Debuffing. It makes the game feel more epic and gives you a chance to customize your own gameplay. Later in the game you can also choose your team setups and actually adjust different presets to determine what each member of your team will do. Like usual you can usual skip "trash" mobs and bypass certain areas but usually upon further looking there are usual chests, which are floating balls in XIII, and some of these contain some great loot. For some XIII starts out slow but once you get later into the game it becomes filled with epic battles and hours of upgradeable content. I have yet to beat the game but am on the final disc, so I will rate this and come back and re-review once I have defeated it.
My Rating: 10/10
Darksiders is a pretty epic game, just a kill kill kill collect souls and kill some more game. But it's fun and keeps you addicted, and there are many levels and enemies to kill. The massive amount of combo hits you can rack up really make the game seem more epic and achieving a high combo just feels good. There are side levels to complete to advance through some of the story, these usually involve doing a certain thing like killing all the enemies a certain way, or killing a set amount of enemies in a time limit and at the end you open the door collect your reward and move on to killing more stuff. You work for different demons or monsters to reach the final goal of killing the end boss, and can turn in souls to upgrade your weapons and unlock different abilities.
My Rating: 8/10 (The game is addicting but I think re-playability will be low)
A good game overall, should have been on the top of my list since it is a shooter RPG, but it gets boring and just feels repetitive. Unlike other RPG's the quests and the lack of different enemies makes it feel like you are just doing the same thing over and over again just in different areas. The weapons in the game are great and if you find the right ones can really do some major damage to the enemy. There are a wide variety of weapons from long range, to pistols, to fully automatic rifles and there are also elemental features your weapons can have, adds extra damage or a ticking damage to enemies when shot. The bag space seemed to small even after upgrading to a larger size, I was always having to sell or drop weapons that I really didn't want to. The boss battles were all good and none of those were repetitive at all just the mobs in the open world that also keep respawning and just being annoying. Vehicle play takes away some of the repetitiveness since you can usually just drive right past or over the enemies but I think for me just seeing the same thing over and over again got old. All that being said as weird as it sounds I would recommend playing this game, it is fun at first and didn't feel old to me til later hours of play.
My Rating: 8/10
This is getting really long so I will make a list here of games to look for next week: Fallout 3, Split/Second, Skate 3.
Games Beaten: Assassin's Creed, Bioshock 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Fable II, Fracture, Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Kung Fu Panda, Lego Batman, Lego Indiana Jones*, Prince of Persia, Prototype